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Corporate and Social Responsibility at UPMC Jameson

Charity Care

As a not-for-profit organization, UPMC Jameson provides life-saving care and services to the residents of our region regardless of health insurance coverage or ability to pay. Each year, UPMC Jameson provides approximately $20 million in charitable services for Community Benefit.

Contact UPMC Jameson About Free Care

Any questions on Free Care applications and determination can be discussed with the Business Office at 724 656-4189 or 724 656-4102. For more information and financial assistance resources, view UPMC Financial Services.

Free Care Policy

Jameson Hospital is required to render a reasonable volume of services at no cost or a reduced cost to persons meeting eligibility requirements. This policy applies to all Hospital services. Jameson will not deny care to any individual because he/she is unable to pay.

Determination for Free Care assistance is based on federal poverty guidelines along with household monthly income and expenses. The Jameson Business Office may also utilize a charity analysis report provided by our billing service to determine Free Care aid. Accounts can be individually assessed for Free Care and assistance given with or without formal application from the patient based on the charity analysis report. Free care applications for In Patient stays or Short Stay procedures must have a current medical assistance determinations attached.

If you are interested in applying for free care assistance, please contact the Business Office. You will be asked to complete an application, including all household expenses and providing proof of all household income and assets for the last three months. All information must be available at the time of application, any application received with insufficient information will be returned to the applicant. Applications will be processed and assistance applied to current patient balances. Once your application is processed you will receive written determination of your request for assistance. Future patient balances will need a new application completed.